Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fashion RIP

As the last greats bow to the organics of humanity, so does their purity of legacy.

Ladies, I'm going to let you in on a secret, fashion brought about the end of fashion though a continuum of fashion self-referencing fashion - ie take how many times, even before his death, has a designer referenced his 'le smoking' or Vionnet's master bias-cut craftmanship.

Fashion, as it resonates with most, is dead. Don't tip your hat or wipe that tear from your eye, she died when we entered the post-modern era. The post-modern era (commencing circa 1970) defined itself as the end of a fluid temporal history - a time when origins are unidentifiable in a continuous nostalgic self reference, a time in our history when fashion has truly been democratised.

No longer are silhouettes dictated or skirt length abhorrently obeyed. The genealogy of fashion now moves laterally, infinitely layering itself back on top of it's own identity while stealing inferences of others right form the kitsch and camp (Galliano) to unsettling themes of violence and brutality (McQueen), the romantic (Alanah Hill) and the heroin chic heavily explored in the 90s epitomised in the styling of Kate Moss.

Designers still peddle this idea of fashionable seasonal releases to increase consumption - a planned obsolescence, and those unsure of their identity can be caught up in the glitz of marketing hype trying to wear what is 'prescribed'.

The good news here ladies is that the definition of fashion has changed - it now represents the financial and stylistic value of the garments style and 'a way of dress accepted and deemed appropriate by the society around it', not a designers dictated aesthetic - It is integral to note that fashion doesn't exist in a vacuum - it's point of reference is the society around it.

Style is now trumps. Style is about an appropriated image, a connection with the projected identity of the garments in a holistic framework - borrowed from an infinite number of sources to form a 'look'.

This is where ID Couture helps, when fashion is dead style reigns supreme. ID Couture works with the individual to accurately hone their personal identity and succinctly project that though their clothing whatever the personal preference. Clothing is IDENTITY and ID Couture will help find yours though your image.

The time for mourning has passed, you've been living this for longer than you care to remember, embrace the death of fashion because style is about the individual. It's about you, not the designer playing Mussolini.

Post your thoughts and lets get a discussion happening. Where do you sit - fashion or style?

Guerrilla Stylist, Brent Derepas.

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